Shawnee County Historical Society Bulletins
The SCHS Bulletin is a well-researched softbound book-length publication written by local scholars, educators, and historians. Bulletins were published annually by the Society from 1946 to 2011 with some years having two editions. A total of 85 editions of the Bulletin were published on the history, culture, and heritage of Topeka and Shawnee County. If you want a hard copy of the Bulletins you may purchase them through the society. Below is a complete list of all titles. Please call us or email us at shawneecountyhistory@gmail.com to check title availability and pricing before ordering.
However if you are interested in seeing the Bulletins on line, please click here
The Bulletin has been replaced by the SCHS publication Historical Highlights which is published quarterly and includes articles written with the same level of scholarship.
For a complete list of Bulletin titles click here.
After confirmation of availability, you may order with payment by check or money order mailed to us at the address below with complete information, or online by using PayPal. Information that you submit to us is confidential and will not be shared with any other organization.
Shawnee County Historical Society
P.O. Box 2201
Topeka, KS 66601
Paypal secure payment method.